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ЧоГо: Description of the system
ЧоГо (Часто Задавані Запитання) >Description of the system
What Announcements
What Announcements

Announcements - it the system is intended for placing of free private announcements. A site is intended for placing of free announcements. A comfortable revision of announcements is on keywords. Rapid announcements. Permanent, daily update. Dynamics of publication.
Announcements are the All Ukrainian board of bulletins. It is here possible to place and look over announcement on any subject. For us the followings sections are already opened: Auto/Moto, Real Estate, Building, Equipment/Instrument, Lease, Work, Domestic technique, Computers, Rest/Travel, Agricultural, Furniture and other goods and services. you can quickly give, to place your announcements. Announcement is short fox messages, which carry in itself exhaustive information about that which offers but whether other person. For placing of announcement registered please. REGISTRATION - EASY And RAPID. Read "Description of the system". Also after registration there will be an accessible mini-chat you for rapid intercourse and placing of rapid announcements. A comfortable revision of announcements is on keywords. Find all that you need quickly and without problems. To give announcement in the system, it is foremost needed to be registered. After registration, authorized on a site and you will be able to see reference to "Give announcement". Press on this reference and fill a form for the serve of announcement.
REMARK: if necessary you Heading does not exist, in the field "Heading" specify any character and necessary Heading it will be created an administrator. Before a publication announcement is given by you checked up administration, and if it is all right, it will be published for a day long from the moment of filing of an application. All of announcements will take a place on a site during 30 days from the moment of publication. (If needed - specify other term in handles).
In the text of report utilize not more than 250 characters.
Not forget to specify the co-ordinates (telephones and your region).
Use a mini-chat for rapid intercourse and placing of rapid announcements.
System - simple in the use and is interesting for visitors. (To give announcement - read "Description of the system - Placing of announcement"). For the serve of announcement every visitor must be registered. Procedure of registration is easy and rapid.
With registration verification of E-mail is not utilized, but advise to specify your address correctly, for your comfort.
The authorized users can not only give announcement, but also to use the system of private reports of, which facilitates copulas between users.
Also you can use a mini-chat for rapid communication and placing of rapid announcements.
For those who only wants to revise announcement the system of search works on keywords.
It is possible to give a few announcements. A site is intended for placing of free announcements. A comfortable revision of announcements is on keywords. Rapid announcements. Permanent, daily update. Dynamics of publication.


Рекламні посилання
Швидкі оголошення
Щоб розмістити швидке оголошення, авторизуйтеся будь-ласка.

Ваша реклама на ТОПовых досках объявлений в Интернете! Качественное ручное размещение объявлений. "Продающие"

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Ремонт и тюнинг Грузовики УАЗ Буханка Микроавтобусы УАЗ – непревзойденные возможности Достоинства микроавтобусов УАЗ не требуют доказательств. Универсальность, удивительная работо

Ремонт и тюнинг УАЗ Хантер Грузовики УАЗ Буханка – способны на всё Сегодня, можно смело говорить о том, что грузовики УАЗ были и остаются совершенно незаменимыми автомобилями. Эти

Ремонт и тюнинг Карго УАЗ Хантер – лучший внедорожник страны УАЗ Хантер – это привычный облик и великолепная проходимость. Это – простота обслуживания и возможность эксплуатации в

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